Image result for jereem richards

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T&T’s Jereem “The Dream” Richards and Michelle-Lee Ahye are list­ed among the top ten sprint­ers in the world on the IAAF’s new of­fi­cial rank­ings sys­tem.

Richards, 25, is cur­rent­ly ranked num­ber four in the men’s 200 me­tres drop­ping from the third spot, the high­est ever po­si­tion on the rank­ings, for two weeks. Ahye is eighth on the women’s 100m list and has held the spot for the past 10 weeks.

It was re­port­ed that the new rank­ings sys­tem which was launched last month, will even­tu­al­ly change the way ath­letes qual­i­fy for ma­jor cham­pi­onships. The Ath­let­ics’ glob­al gov­ern­ing body says the rank­ings have been de­signed “to pro­vide a more ef­fec­tive way of iden­ti­fy­ing the top ath­letes in each dis­ci­pline by re­ward­ing con­sis­ten­cy and com­pe­ti­tion among the world’s best”.

Ahead of Richards on the list are Amer­i­can Noah Lyles who is cur­rent­ly the world’s top-ranked men’s 200m sprint­er with Turkey’s Ramil Guliyev in sec­ond place and Cana­di­an Aaron Brown, third.

T&T’s Kyle Greaux, 30, is just out­side the top 10 in 13th place.


Image result for Michelle-Lee Ahye

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Ahye, 26, has had suc­cess thus far in the in­door sea­son, hav­ing two wins in the women’s 60m at the Fas­Trak In­vi­ta­tion­al in Hous­ton, Texas, USA on Jan­u­ary 19 with 7.27 sec­onds and at the New Bal­ance In­door Grand Prix in Boston with 7.21. Ear­ly last month, she had a sec­ond-place fin­ish with 7.15 at New York Road Run­ners (NYRR) Mill­rose Games.

Ivory Coast’s Marie-Josee Ta Lou is in the num­ber one po­si­tion among the women sprint­ers. The 30-year-old ran four of the 10 fastest times in the world last year. In Qatar, she ran her 100m per­son­al best, clock­ing 10.84 at the Do­ha Di­a­mond League (May 4), then ran 10.88 in Eu­gene (May 26) and 10.89 in Mona­co (Ju­ly 20) be­fore clock­ing an­oth­er sub-11 with a 10.90 at the Lau­sanne leg of the IAAF Di­a­mond League se­ries.

Fill­ing the oth­er places ahead of Ahye are Ivory Coast’s Murielle Ahoure, Great Britain’s Di­na Ash­er-Smith, Ja­maican Elaine Thomp­son, Amer­i­can Jen­na Pran­di­ni, Dafne Schip­pers of the Nether­lands and Switzer­land’s Mu­jin­ga Kam­bund­ji, re­spec­tive­ly.

There is al­so an ‘over­all’ cat­e­go­ry span­ning all events, and top of the lot is USA’s Noah Lyles and Kenya’s Beat­rice Chep­koech. Richards is 59th over­all on the men’s list while Ahye is 113th among the world’s women ath­letes. Greaux is 244th over­all among the men’s ath­letes.

By Rachael Thompson-King /