“The world’s most challenging 10K”

Team Athletics St. Vincent and the Grenadines (TASVG) is extending an invitation to all interested athletes to participate in the NACAC Chatoyer International Endurance 10K Road Race – “The world’s most challenging 10K” – which will be held on the afternoon of Sunday 20 November 2016 beginning at 3.00 p.m.

Please note that this event has the official sanction of the Association of National Olympic Committees of the OECS and forms part of that organisation’s support for sporting activities in the sub region.

The Event

The race starts at Gordon Yard on the leeward side of the island of St Vincent and ends at the Chateaubelair Playing Field.

The NACAC Chatoyer International Endurance10K Road Race is being billed as the world’s most challenging road race event because of the terrain runners will have to traverse.


  1. The NACAC Chatoyer International Endurance 10K will take place on Sunday 20 November 2016 beginning at 3:00 p.m. from Gordon Yard to the Chateaubelair Playing Field, in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
  1. Local teams may register at the Olympic House, Kingstown Park, Kingstown, with a completed registration form and the registration fee.
  1. International teams can submit completed registration forms at, or svgnoc@ All registration fees must be paid on arrival in St. Vincent.
  1. The Categories of the event and the Registration Fees are as follows:
  • International Category:

Overseas Athletes: $50 USD/athlete

Local Athletes: $50.00 ECD/athlete

  • Local Category:

Secondary Schools – $10.00 ECD/athlete

Open – $25.00 ECD/athlete

  1. Registration deadlines:

Registration for all categories will close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday 04 November 2016.

There will be no registration after the closing of registration date.

  1. Each category will be open to both male and female competitors.

All prize monies will be equal for both male and female competitors in the respective categories.

  1. No athlete under the age of 16 years will be allowed to

participate in the event.

  1. The top three (3) athletes in each category will receive cash prizes as follows:

International Male and Female Category

1st – $1000.00 USD

2nd – $700.00

3rd – $500.00

Local Prizes Male and Female:

Secondary (Under 20) Open (20+)

1st – $400.00 ECD $600.00 ECD

2nd – $200.00 $300.00

3rd – $150.00 $200.00

Additional prizes:

First athlete to pass the 5km mark – $100.00 USD – This prize is open to all athletes

Team Prize (Open to local athletes only): $300.00 ECD

Each team must comprise 5 individuals (4males/1female).

The position of the first three athletes from each team crossing the finish (one must be a female) will be computed to select the winning team. The team with the lowest score wins.

  1. TASVG Road Race and Cross Country Commission do not hold itself responsible for inaccurate or insufficient supporting information given during the registration process and the impact of the outputted results based on this information.
  1. The race will be electronically timed.
  2. All athletes shall sign the designated waiver or be refused participation.
  1. The decisions of the race officials are final.